Sunday, May 24, 2009

One week in

Well, it's been slightly over a week since i've left my home for the summer.
This week has flown by, which is good. Before I realize it, we'll be on tour.

So, here's what's happened so far:

It rained on our first day and things were looking pretty grim. It was FREEZING last sunday and monday, but it warmed up and the weather has been awesome since. I'm currently slghtly sunburnt due to my inability to reach them middle of my back while applying sunscreen. I also apparently forgot to put sunscreen on me right shoulder... the burn doesn't lie. I fail. Other than these mishaps, my tan is coming in. W00T!

On to the show:

We've learned all of the drill to the opener. We're pretty much running our butts off at the end. Thanks Jeff! (he's our drill writer) I have some four-to-fives and some crazy hard direction changes. My poor knees. last night we marched and played the first 30 sets. It made me doubt if I can even do this crap. It's so physically demanding. I'm pretty sure by the end of the summer I'll be able to hold my breath and run a mile. We've played through the entire show with the percussion section, minus the very end.

We have 3 parades tomorrow followed by a concert for alumni. It should be fun.

The weather isn't looking too good for this week though. We'll see.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So Close

3 days from now, I'll be in Johnstown.

I'm going shopping tonight to buy as much stuff as I can to get it out of the way so I can pack on Thursday. I'll probably have to go shopping a little bit on Thursday though, but it is my last day in town, so I don't care that much. I think I'm going to get Chipotle 2 more times before I leave too, that is the most exciting part of the next 3 days. I also just got a netbook for tour. Yay for tethering to my phone for internet! I'm not going to completely disappear like I have the other 3 years I marched, which is exciting. I can update this blog, which is sweet, and possibly have some video chats with people if the bus isn't too loud and crazy.

I need to start practicing for rookie talent too. I don't want to mess up because I think I'm going to make people go crazy. I don't want to get booed and possibly lose, which could happen if I don't do it right. I'm thinking I might use earplugs so I can concentrate, and I need to get some sweet background music or something. I'll be thinking about stuff to make it better, but I don't want too much going on... maybe I can add in some choreography, but who know's what my crazy mind will think up.

3 DAYS!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

25 Days....

The summer is approaching so quickly I can almost taste it.
I went to WGI percussion finals this weekend.
It was fantastic.
I liked Pulse Percussion and RCC the best.
I can't really decide between the two.
I pretty much enjoyed all the shows though.
There was clearly tons of talent there.
Seeing everyone perform just makes me want drum corps to come even sooner.
I wish I could just move out today.
I can't wait to get away from it all.
There will be a few things I miss, but not much.
Sadly, the thing I will miss the most will probably be Chipotle.
I'm addicted to Chipotle.
The last camp rehearsal is this weekend.
We are supposed to get pretty much the rest of the show music.
We are also going to learn some drill.
I still need to do some supplies shopping.
I need a dot book.
I also need to finish my march-athon forms.
I am going to work on them tonight.
I need to ask a few people for their addresses.
I made a list of people a while ago, I just procrastinate too much.
I can't wait for camp.
I can't wait for move-ins.
I can't wait....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Hello and welcome to my blog.

I want to start off telling you the point of this blog is to tell you everything I want to tell you about me and my summer as a rookie-ageout (rook-out) in The Holy Name Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps.

I decided I was going to blog my summer a while ago. I am starting today because today is one of those 'landmark' numbers in my countdown to the summer. As of about two hours ago, there are 50 days until I move in with The Holy Name Cadets full time on May 15th, lasting through Drum Corps International Finals in Indianapolis on August 8th. I am extremely excited to be a member of this monumental year at Holy Name because of the tradition and history I get to be a part of as the corps celebrates its diamond anniversary, that's right 75 years.

Currently I can only look forward to the celebration. I can't wait until I am gone, even though I know it's going to be hard to say goodbye to all of my friends and family knowing I won't get to see them much this year because the tour stays rather far from home (we all know volleyball can wait until mid-August, right?), and my home show, for some reason, is scheduled on a Thursday night, meaning most of the people that would have come to see me, won't be able to because of a centential, week long meeting at my church. THANKS TO DCI FOR STEALING ALL THE SATURDAYS!!! (Don't miss the sarcasm in that last statement, please.) On another note, I also know I will be warmly welcomed into a new family of tradition, hard work, and excellence as we, the 2009 Holy Name Cadets, attempt to set a new standard for the activity of Drum Corps, and create an unbelievable product that will be talked about for years, as well as memories we will live and share for the rest of our lives.

I hope through this blog I can not only create a 'diary' of sorts for memories of my ageout summer, but also provide entertainment, comedy (I'll try really hard, I promise!), and an insight on what Drum Corps is all about. Enjoy.