Sunday, May 24, 2009

One week in

Well, it's been slightly over a week since i've left my home for the summer.
This week has flown by, which is good. Before I realize it, we'll be on tour.

So, here's what's happened so far:

It rained on our first day and things were looking pretty grim. It was FREEZING last sunday and monday, but it warmed up and the weather has been awesome since. I'm currently slghtly sunburnt due to my inability to reach them middle of my back while applying sunscreen. I also apparently forgot to put sunscreen on me right shoulder... the burn doesn't lie. I fail. Other than these mishaps, my tan is coming in. W00T!

On to the show:

We've learned all of the drill to the opener. We're pretty much running our butts off at the end. Thanks Jeff! (he's our drill writer) I have some four-to-fives and some crazy hard direction changes. My poor knees. last night we marched and played the first 30 sets. It made me doubt if I can even do this crap. It's so physically demanding. I'm pretty sure by the end of the summer I'll be able to hold my breath and run a mile. We've played through the entire show with the percussion section, minus the very end.

We have 3 parades tomorrow followed by a concert for alumni. It should be fun.

The weather isn't looking too good for this week though. We'll see.

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