Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So Close

3 days from now, I'll be in Johnstown.

I'm going shopping tonight to buy as much stuff as I can to get it out of the way so I can pack on Thursday. I'll probably have to go shopping a little bit on Thursday though, but it is my last day in town, so I don't care that much. I think I'm going to get Chipotle 2 more times before I leave too, that is the most exciting part of the next 3 days. I also just got a netbook for tour. Yay for tethering to my phone for internet! I'm not going to completely disappear like I have the other 3 years I marched, which is exciting. I can update this blog, which is sweet, and possibly have some video chats with people if the bus isn't too loud and crazy.

I need to start practicing for rookie talent too. I don't want to mess up because I think I'm going to make people go crazy. I don't want to get booed and possibly lose, which could happen if I don't do it right. I'm thinking I might use earplugs so I can concentrate, and I need to get some sweet background music or something. I'll be thinking about stuff to make it better, but I don't want too much going on... maybe I can add in some choreography, but who know's what my crazy mind will think up.

3 DAYS!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!

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