Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Hello and welcome to my blog.

I want to start off telling you the point of this blog is to tell you everything I want to tell you about me and my summer as a rookie-ageout (rook-out) in The Holy Name Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps.

I decided I was going to blog my summer a while ago. I am starting today because today is one of those 'landmark' numbers in my countdown to the summer. As of about two hours ago, there are 50 days until I move in with The Holy Name Cadets full time on May 15th, lasting through Drum Corps International Finals in Indianapolis on August 8th. I am extremely excited to be a member of this monumental year at Holy Name because of the tradition and history I get to be a part of as the corps celebrates its diamond anniversary, that's right 75 years.

Currently I can only look forward to the celebration. I can't wait until I am gone, even though I know it's going to be hard to say goodbye to all of my friends and family knowing I won't get to see them much this year because the tour stays rather far from home (we all know volleyball can wait until mid-August, right?), and my home show, for some reason, is scheduled on a Thursday night, meaning most of the people that would have come to see me, won't be able to because of a centential, week long meeting at my church. THANKS TO DCI FOR STEALING ALL THE SATURDAYS!!! (Don't miss the sarcasm in that last statement, please.) On another note, I also know I will be warmly welcomed into a new family of tradition, hard work, and excellence as we, the 2009 Holy Name Cadets, attempt to set a new standard for the activity of Drum Corps, and create an unbelievable product that will be talked about for years, as well as memories we will live and share for the rest of our lives.

I hope through this blog I can not only create a 'diary' of sorts for memories of my ageout summer, but also provide entertainment, comedy (I'll try really hard, I promise!), and an insight on what Drum Corps is all about. Enjoy.

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